OPEN POSITION We are hiring reseach assistants (fellowships) to our on our project "COmputational Models of COmmensality for Artificial Agents (COCOA)". The deadline on 26th Jannuary!.

NEW PAPER ON AFFECTIVE DATASETS Our paper, titled Self-assessment of affect-related events for physiological data collection in the wild based on appraisal theories has just been published. In this study, we introduce a novel technique for creating datasets for affective computing which is based on appraisal theories.

NEW PAPER ON EMOTION RECOGNITION Our paper Unleashing the Transferability Power of Unsupervised Pre-Training for Emotion Recognition in Masked and Unmasked Facial Images was recently accepted to IEEE Access.

International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
I am happy to announce that I will be the Demo Chair at the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces that will be organized in Genoa in June 2024. More details here.

COCOA Project Our 2-years PRIN 2022 project COmputational Models of COmmensality for Artificial Agents (COCOA) was recently accepted. We start new exciting research on social robots being commensal companions.

For more updates check my LinkedIn profile.