Radosław Niewiadomski

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the University of Genoa and Affiliated Reseacher at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia.

founder of hAppI Lab, aiming to study and design technology capable of creating novel Affective Interactions.

My research interests include: emotion recognition, social signal processing, interactive multimodal systems, nonverbal behavior synthesis, embodied conversational agents and social robots.

Check the list of Master thesis and/or interships at the University of Genoa

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I obtained my Ph.D. in 2007 from the University of Perugia. My dissertation, titled "A Model of Complex Facial Expressions in Interpersonal Relations," presented an application of fuzzy methods to the generation of facial expressions in virtual agents. For more details, see here.

As a postdoctoral researcher, I worked in the LINC lab at the University Paris 8 and in the Multimedia Group at Telecom ParisTech, contributing to several research projects such as FP7 ILHAIRE, FP7 SSPNET, FP6 CALLAS, and French ANR project CECIL. My research focused on modeling expressive behaviors in virtual agents. I also contributed to the development of the Embodied Conversational Agent called Greta. You can learn more about here.

I also worked at the InfoMus Lab at the University of Genoa, where I focused on the analysis and recognition of full-body expressive behaviors. I served as the Work Package Leader of the H2020 ICT DANCE Project, which aimed to analyze and sonify the expressive movement qualities in dance. I was also involved in the FP7 FET ILHAIRE Project, focused on the analysis and synthesis of multimodal laughter, as well as the H2020 WeDraw and H2020 WhoLoDancE.

Furthermore, I contributed to the creation of several freely available datasets, including full-body laughter expressions (MMLI), kata (karate) performances, expressive movement qualities in dance. As a Guest Editor, I proposed the Special Section dedicated to laughter computing in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, and the Reseach Topic on Computational Commensality in Frontiers.

Visit my profile on: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, SCOPUS, ORCID, LinkedIn and my Youtube playlist.

email: {firstname}.{lastname}{at} dibris {.} unige {.it}